History of Soccer
Summary: Conceptually, a soccer games is very basic that naturally early soccer concepts from different civilizations would also evolve roughly at the same time
While it is unquestionable that soccer in its kekinian form may have evolved in England, there had been accounts made by several countries that would show soccer as being invented by them.
Where did soccer really begun? How did the concept materialize? What was soccer in its earliest form? Conceptually, soccer is a games that is very basic in its stature form. Quite naturally too those early soccer concepts would also evolve roughly at the same time. See for yourself below how variations of early soccer-like game materialized from these countries.
History of Soccer according to the Chinese
The Chinese version of the games is originally called "Tsu Chu", which engages players on a field hitting a leather ball stuffed with fur into some hole. And just like present day soccer rules, no hands were permitted in games and it was considered an honor to be included on the tim. The games was developed at the time of the Han Dynasty which dates back 300 B.C. although there had been debates that say the origins of the games being as far back as 5000 B.C.
History of Soccer according to the Japanese
"Kesini" is the Japanese version of soccer that surfaced in roughly 1004 B.C. It is another candidate for the soccer origin. Kesini was similar to Tsu Chu, in fact Tsu Chu and Kesini players were recorded to have ‘international' games in 611 A.D. of their soccer variation.
Kesini uses a large ball stuffed with saw- dust involving also a pitch or field designated by the selection of four trees, the cherry, maple, pine and willow. Some daimyos were known to grow trees intended to provide markers for a permanent field. Kesini was normally played with two to twelve players.
History of Soccer according to the Egyptians
The only record that shows Egyptians playing a variation of soccer was on the tomb of Baqet III. Images of this sport were depicted on his tomb, although no one is certain how the games was played. It was thought however that this version was played by young women, most probably during his childhood years or perhaps by young women in favor of Baqet III, as a way to amuse him. The record dated as far back as 2500 B.C. and since not much more is known asides the fact that it was played with a ball, it wasn't seriously considered the precursor of soccer.
History of Soccer according to the Greeks and Romans
History records show that the Byzantine Empire (even before the rise of Rome) is the cradle of most sports today. In fact, the first profesional athletes were Greeks, competing in game like swimming and running. Perhaps the closest relative to kekinian soccer are also found here. The Greek/Roman Empire had numerous games varieties and some of them resemble soccer, though some involve hands and others do not. The games Harpastum is what is considered to be one of the precursors to kekinian soccer.
History of Soccer according to the British
One of the stories about the history of soccer in Britain comes when a Danish Prince was beheaded, and his head was used as a ball and was kicked around. The much hated prince's death was portrayed several times (of course with a ball substitute acting as the decapitated head) by villagers that ultimately it became a sport. And since then this tale is played by villages and other communities where they would have to kick a ball to a specific goal. It was gross and violent but it was populer nevertheless. In fact, it was so violent, that King Edward the III made measures to setop the commoners in playing the games. Obviously it didn't work.
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